

PDF Icon Sample Page from Step Up Your Spanish Translations 244kb download (less than 30 seconds on 28.8)

Step -by-Step Instructional Guide for School & School District Translators

Glossary Included

Special Note: RAE-La Real Academia Espa̱ola is The Royal Academy of the Spanish Language. Located in Madrid, Spain, the goal of The Academy is the preservation and continuity of the language while, at the same time, attempting to keep the language up-to-date. The Academy is universally recognized in the Spanish-speaking world as the one that establishes and regulates the standards for the language. Your 2019 revised edition includes all current determinations made by the Academy, which will be referenced throughout as The RAE.

Watch out for this next step . . . it’s a doozy! Our most anticipated resource ever, Step Up Your Spanish Translations, is a 45-page workbook designed for translators of all types of school documents and forms. Did you know that when it comes to translating, there are many common errors made, regardless of whether or not the translator is a native Spanish-speaker? The quality of translation on the documents, flyers, letters, manuals, articles, newsletters, forms, etc. that your school produces in Spanish make a BIG statement about your school! This workbook recognizes these common mistakes and provides translators with the help, tips and suggestions needed to get the job done efficiently.

Take a look at some of the grammar topics covered:

  • How To Use Written Accent Marks
  • About Capitalization & Spelling
  • Abbreviations & Acronyms
  • Dividing Words At The End Of A Line
  • Spelling Of Interrogative Words & Their Accent Marks
  • How To Properly Write Adverbs
  • Adjectives Of Nationality
  • Words With Confusing Meanings
  • Idioms & False Cognate Words
  • Translators FAQ

The workbook also contains a glossary of over 1500 common words and terms ranging from cognitive impairment to wheezing; from comic book to rye bread and from diaper rash to written referral. Here are just a few of the topics covered in the glossary :

  • Special Education Terminology
  • Health & Medical Terminology
  • Legal Terminology
  • Computer Terminology
  • Acronyms (IEP, NCLB, etc.)
  • School Supplies & Materials
  • Nursery Rhymes & Songs
  • Holidays
  • Household Items & Clothing
  • Wildlife & The Outdoors
  • Infant & Toddler Care & Education
  • Preschool & Elementary Education
  • Middle & High School
  • Terms Related to School Activities & Events
  • Words, Phrases & Terms Typical to School Documents

Whether you volunteer to translate or whether it is part of your job description, Step Up Your Spanish Translations recognizes the very broad range of topics that you work with, from Early Childhood Care to Special Education Terminology to letters sent home. Think of the time you will save having so much information available in one book!

Special Note to Spanish Teachers:

If you have an advanced Spanish class or an SNS (Spanish For Native Speakers) class, this workbook is a terrific supplement to your text. The content will hold the students’ interest, AND you can break any bad habits early!

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PDF Icon Sample Page from Step Up Your Spanish Translations 244kb download (less than 30 seconds on 28.8)

Step -by-Step Instructional Guide for School & School District Translators

Glossary Included

Special Note: RAE-La Real Academia Espa̱ola is The Royal Academy of the Spanish Language. Located in Madrid, Spain, the goal of The Academy is the preservation and continuity of the language while, at the same time, attempting to keep the language up-to-date. The Academy is universally recognized in the Spanish-speaking world as the one that establishes and regulates the standards for the language. Your 2019 revised edition includes all current determinations made by the Academy, which will be referenced throughout as The RAE.

Watch out for this next step . . . it’s a doozy! Our most anticipated resource ever, Step Up Your Spanish Translations, is a 45-page workbook designed for translators of all types of school documents and forms. Did you know that when it comes to translating, there are many common errors made, regardless of whether or not the translator is a native Spanish-speaker? The quality of translation on the documents, flyers, letters, manuals, articles, newsletters, forms, etc. that your school produces in Spanish make a BIG statement about your school! This workbook recognizes these common mistakes and provides translators with the help, tips and suggestions needed to get the job done efficiently.

Take a look at some of the grammar topics covered:

  • How To Use Written Accent Marks
  • About Capitalization & Spelling
  • Abbreviations & Acronyms
  • Dividing Words At The End Of A Line
  • Spelling Of Interrogative Words & Their Accent Marks
  • How To Properly Write Adverbs
  • Adjectives Of Nationality
  • Words With Confusing Meanings
  • Idioms & False Cognate Words
  • Translators FAQ

The workbook also contains a glossary of over 1500 common words and terms ranging from cognitive impairment to wheezing; from comic book to rye bread and from diaper rash to written referral. Here are just a few of the topics covered in the glossary :

  • Special Education Terminology
  • Health & Medical Terminology
  • Legal Terminology
  • Computer Terminology
  • Acronyms (IEP, NCLB, etc.)
  • School Supplies & Materials
  • Nursery Rhymes & Songs
  • Holidays
  • Household Items & Clothing
  • Wildlife & The Outdoors
  • Infant & Toddler Care & Education
  • Preschool & Elementary Education
  • Middle & High School
  • Terms Related to School Activities & Events
  • Words, Phrases & Terms Typical to School Documents

Whether you volunteer to translate or whether it is part of your job description, Step Up Your Spanish Translations recognizes the very broad range of topics that you work with, from Early Childhood Care to Special Education Terminology to letters sent home. Think of the time you will save having so much information available in one book!

Special Note to Spanish Teachers:

If you have an advanced Spanish class or an SNS (Spanish For Native Speakers) class, this workbook is a terrific supplement to your text. The content will hold the students’ interest, AND you can break any bad habits early!


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