Spanish is a living, breathing entity. La Real Academia Española (RAE) is charged with the preservation and continuity of the language while, at the same time, attempts to keep the language up-to-date. The Academy is universally recognized in the Spanish-speaking world as the one that establishes and regulates the standards for the language.
Some of the most recent changes include new words that are now an official part of Spanish such as chat, hacker, hummus, link & wifi. Some quite creative words have ‘made the cut’ and we now find bloguero, bloguera (blogger), jonrón (homerun), and táper (yes, a container with a lid to keep food).
In our continued efforts to keep you well-informed (particularly those of you involved in school translating and interpreting), we have updated both
- The Special Steps
- Step Up Your Spanish Translations
Within the pages of these two invaluable resources, you’ll find all the most recent changes, deletions and additions to the language.
Did you know that the letter -y is no longer referred to as i griega?!?!?! Get your copies and learn about all the changes so you can help your school or district really stand out!